How to apply for a UK Fiance Visa or a UK Marriage Visa?

Plan of your UK Spouse visa by Immigration Lawyer


If you plan to travel then UK visa consultants providing a UK visa for a purpose that involves marriage or civil partnership for you, then you will be deliberating between a UK marriage visa (also known as the marriage visitor visa) or the UK Spouse visa. In order to make the right decision, you should be fully knowledgeable of the specifications of the UK Fiance visa or each visa type. If you want to apply for the UK Fiance visa, proof that you can support yourself during your trip. Your decisions are only as good as you know about things.

The purpose of a UK visa consultants to write this article is to fully verse you on what exactly the UK marriage visitor visa and the UK spouse visa really are. Another purpose is to inform you that many other visas available like UK Fiance visas.

UK spouse visa compare with UK marriage visa

Each visa type has been individually explained below but if you want information about another visa Like UK Fiance visa you can connect with UK visa consultant Chauhansolicitors. But the basic difference between the two visa types is that one allows you to stay in the UK after getting married or entering the civil partnership whereas the other does not.

If you wish to live with your partner in the UK after getting married, then you will choose to apply for the UK spouse visa. This visa allows you to stay in the UK for a period of 2.5 years after which you can apply for an extension.

On the other hand, if you plan to visit the UK only to get married and then you do not intend to live in the UK then you will apply for the UK marriage visa. On this visa, you are eligible to stay in the UK for a period of 6 months during which you have to arrange the events of marriage or civil partnership and then you leave the UK.

Chauhansolicitors provides individual specifications for both visa types are given below.

UK Marriage Visa

The UK marriage visa, also known as UK marriage visitor visa and UK Fiance visa allow you to temporarily visit the UK to get married or initiate a civil partnership.

Apply for this visa type if you fit the following categories.

  1. You wish to get married or engage in a civil partnership in the UK.
  2. Maybe you want to give notice of a marriage or a civil partnership in the UK.
  3. You will be leaving the UK after getting marriage or civil partnership.
  4. Fit the eligibility criterion for the marriage visitor visa.

Note the fact that you do not need a marriage visitor visa if you want to convert a civil partnership into a marriage. This activity can be done on a standard visitor visa like a UK Fiance visa.

How long does it take?

It is advised that you apply for the marriage visitor visa roughly 3 months before you plan to travel to the UK. You normally hear from the home office about their decision on your application within 3 weeks of applying.

You may also get more information from Chauhansolicitors on how long it will take for your country for you to hear from the home office.

How much does it cost?

The average cost of a UK marriage visitor visa is £95.

How long can you stay in the UK on this visa?

The UK marriage visitor visa allows you to live in the UK for a period of 6 months.

What can be done in the UK on the marriage visitor visa?

If you have been granted the UK marriage visitor visa, then you are eligible to enter the UK by using the service of Chauhansolicitors and get married or initiate a civil partnership. You must do this within 6 months of your entry in the UK. Moreover, you must also make use of a venue that is licensed for this purpose. If you are traveling then you may also stop in the UK for transit on this visa.

What cannot be done in the UK on the marriage visitor visa?

There are certain restrictions that  Chauhansolicitors define all the activities that you cannot engage in when you enter the UK on the marriage visitor visa.

First off, you cannot make use of public funds on this visa. You can also not bring dependents with you to the UK on this visa, if you have any dependents, they must apply separately and they can then accompany you in the situation that their visa is approved.

It is compulsory that you live in the UK for a longer period of time than what is permitted. Maybe you are not live for longer through frequent visits either. Moreover, you cannot extend and neither switch your visa once granted the marriage visitor visa.

You can also not work on the marriage visitor visa in the UK. However, you are allowed to partake in activities regarding your own work such as attend a conference or do business meetings.

Lastly, you cannot study in the UK for a course or a class for a period of longer than 30 days. Moreover, enrolling in a course and studying should not be your primary purpose of traveling to the UK.

Eligibility Criteria

Like any other visa type, there is a certain eligibility criterion for the marriage visitor visa. It is compulsory for you that you fully fit into the eligibility criterion in order to eligible to apply.

  • You, as the primary applicant are at least 18 years old.
  • Eligible to give notice for your marriage or intent. After this, you enter civil partnership within 6 months of entering into the UK.
  • You are sharing a genuine relationship with your partner. The purpose of this is to ensure that you are not marrying a partner to travel to the UK.
  • You must intend to visit the UK for a period of fewer than 6 months.
  •  Intend of you to leave the UK at the end of your trip. You cannot continue to stay for more than 6 months.
  • You must be able to prove that you hold sufficient funds to finance your own trip to the UK. As a substitute, you may show that you have friends or relatives who will give you accommodation and looking after your expenses.
  • You must be able to prove that you have sufficient monetary resources to fund your trip at the end of your tenure in the UK.
Uk Spouse visa
Uk Spouse visa

Which documentation do you need to provide?

The documents that you will be needing for the UK marriage visa, Chauhansolicitors understand your needs and providing the guidelines for you that are given below.

  • You will be needing a passport that is currently valid or alternatively, you may provide a valid travel document that can serve as an identification document.
  • You must show paper proof that you have sufficient funds to finance your trip. This may be done with a bank statement or payslips for at least 6 months.
  • You will need to prove that you have a genuine relationship that you plan to continue. Maybe you provide documentation to show where you intend to live after getting married for this.
  • You must show details of where you plan on staying and where you plan to travel during your trip. However, it should be noted that this is tentative information. You do not have to pay for any accommodation or travel before getting your visa stamp.

There is some additional information for you. It can provide to support your case and strengthen your chances of getting the visa.

  • You may provide relevant paperwork to show that you have a genuine relationship. It is possible you may show that you have paid for a venue, catering or other arrangements for the marriage.
  • You may also provide booking confirmation letters or your emails with the venue management for strengthening your case.
  • If you were previously engaging in a relationship before the current one, you will have to show you are no longer engage in it. You may provide a decree absolute or a death certificate showing that your previous partner has been deceased.

UK Spouse Visa

A UK spouse visa is one provide by Chauhansolicitors in which you can permanently live with your spouse in the UK after getting married. If you and your spouse are at least 18 years of age, then you can apply for the visa if one of the following conditions are met.

  • The first condition is that your partner is a British citizen.
  • Your partner has an indefinite leave to remain for the UK or a has UK permanent residence.
  • Your partner has refugee protection or humanitarian protection in the UK.

Requirements for the UK Spouse Visa

In order to be eligible for the visa, you need to prove the following information. Chauhansolicitors manage information for you.

  • You are engaging in a marriage contract or a civil relationship contract that’s is recognized within the UK.
  • You and your spouse have been living together for a period of at least 2 years before you are applying for the UK.
  • Both are planning to get married within 6 months of entering the UK.
  • You must have sufficient knowledge of English and are able to properly communicate with others using it.
  • Your financial condition is good so that you can support yourself financially during your visit to the UK.  It is compulsory for you, also be capable of paying for any dependents who will be traveling with you.
  • You must also prove that any previous relationship or marriage that you had has ended.
  • You must show your plan to get marry within 6 months of you going to the UK.
How long can you stay?
Uk Fiance Visa
Uk Fiance Visa

The UK spouse visa allows you to stay 2.5 years after which you can apply for an extension. If you are not eligible in both above mention categories, maybe you are eligible for a UK Fiance visa.

Getting a Citizenship

Once you spend 5 years in the UK on the UK spouse visa, you can apply for an ILR. Once you get your Indefinite leave to remain, you required to spend 12 months in the UK continuously. After this, you are eligible to apply for citizenship for the UK. Many other visas are available like UK Fiance visas.

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